
SKU: BK-WFNS01-KS Categories: , , , ,


Wildflowers of the BWCA and the North Shore

Written by: Mark Sparky Stensaas
Illustrated by: Rick Kollath

Don’t let the title fool you…This info-packed guide will be very useful over most of the wooded portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Organized by habitat such as northern bogs and northern hardwood forests, this book will help you identify the wildflowers of the North. The 108 species in this book are represented in beautiful, detailed, full-color illustrations. Next to each species is a height icon to aid in identification and phenograms showing the season you can expect to see them. Loaded with natural history information, you’ll learn common names and such things as Native American uses, folk remedies, relations to bees and other insects, and more.

Over 200 color illustrations
110 pages/softcover


Retail $14.95

ISBN 978-0-9673793-3-3